Saturday Strem of Conciuosness Prompt: Get-a-Long Little Doggie

socs-badgeToday’s Prompt given by Linda is the word “go”

The Friday Reminder and Prompt for SoCS March 7/15

Please see her page for Rules and Join Us!

Get- a-Long Little Doggie

Not dog poop in  my yard,
Not dog poop anywhere at all.
If it’s fresh, the odor calls,
let’s one know where not
to let your foot fall.
Old poop gives no hint,
no print, no reason
to sprint far or
to avoid to aim
your handlebars.
So go away, please don’t
play in my nice yard,
disregard my garden chard.
Get-a-long little doggie,
and when you go,
don’t bother to send
a good-bye card.

11 thoughts on “Saturday Strem of Conciuosness Prompt: Get-a-Long Little Doggie

  1. Glad you enjoyed this silly terrible . poem! I will never try to write an SAC poem again…too hard
    I need to edit and plan with poetry. But I appreciate your comment.


  2. Haha! I love it! 🙂 I remember every spring when I was at home with my parents and we had dogs “going on poo patrol.” Only they weren’t that polite.. 😛


    1. thanks so much for reading and commenting! But come back another time for much better thought out and edited poetry! This was just playing with SO! But I’m so glad you connected to it.


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