The Hunt


The Hunt

He follows the trail of scents. He was trained to discover drugs, bodies, and just about everything that needs discovery. His sense of smell is at least 100% stronger than a human being, this canine police dog. Reggie is given a one cent copper penny to take in and remember as dogs can only do, and sent on the trial. This time he is looking for a body. He begins slow, then stops. Looks back at his handler, Tom, for reassurance. Tom nods, says “ Go ahead Reg, you got it , boy.” Reggie turns in a circle, then runs on. Every once in a while the conscientious dog slows down, paws at the ground, then cocks his head as if to say, “nope, not here,” and starts back on the trail with his nose to the ground. The soil smells different as he moves on to new places. Smells that a human can’t distinguish from one to another. The woods are ahead. He whiffs the scent of the wood’s soil, and begins to whimper. Though his whimpering tells Tom that Reggie know what’s ahead and it may not be good, the dog to runs hard through the trees. He is a pack dog and will work for his pack until the work has been done. Reggie is whining and running faster than ever as Tom tries to keep up. Reggie runs straight up against a large tree. Pennies are scattered as if someone spilled a bottle of pills and left them as a clue of suicide. This was no suicide. Reggie stops, paws the ground and uncovers a few more coins. He Is calm now and runs around to the other side and stops.Tom peers around to see a small child under its leaves. The child is breathing, alive. The pennies from his pocket had spilt when the kidnapper had knocked him around and left him for dead. Tom called for an ambulance and sat by the child. Reggie curled up beside him and Tom hugged him and praised his great work. Reggies’s pack was happy; Reggie was happy. Tom fingers the cross he wears around his neck, looks at the one attached to Reggie’s collar. He was reminded to give a special thanks.

Please Join us every Saturday for the Stream od consciousness prompt. Linda puts  the prompt and the directions on her blog on Fridays!  This week’s prompt is sense/scents/cents/sent.

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